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About Wisdom Springs Training Solutions

The long run of experience ensuring quality and excellence through expertise is our hallmark. Wisdom Spring’s proximity to the student community as well as the corporates helps us develop counselling sessions for the students with clarity on results.

Wisdom Springs Training Solutions employs a 6-stage process to help students select a career path.

Getting to Know You

The first stage of your counselling is known as the initiation stage. Here the student will get to know their counsellor and they will get to know the student.

Gathering of Data

This stage will involve the student and their parents. Data needs to be gathered so that a picture of who the student is can be built up.


In this stage, the counsellor will start working towards steps and strategies that he will use throughout the remaining stages of the student’s counselling.


During this stage, the student will conduct an analysis, with the help of their counsellor. This analytical stage will include some tests, and the student will have their social behaviour assessed, as well as their personality and their career interests.

Decision Making

By this stage, different paths will have been explored, and a decision needs to be made. The most appropriate options will be selected for the student’s career, and a critical decision will be made.


At this stage, a plan of action is prepared. This plan will allow the student to go down their chosen route and succeed. Resources necessary will be made available at this stage, as well as a backup plan.

The Final Stage

The final stage is the implementation of the plan. The student will be given goals, and deadlines to achieve, hoping that the student will no longer be at a career crossroads.