“Time Management= Life Management”
Here we have compiled twelve time management tips which any individual
can utilize at his/her best for ensuring a runaway success in life.
- Do an audit of your time.
Observe your routine for a month or fortnight. Identify the activities
which consumes large chunk of your time. Find out whether these
activities are in congruence with your goals and priorities of your life. - Prepare a do not do list
Those activities which consume a larger proportion of time but are in no
way related to your goals or priorities need elimination from life. - Prepare a to do list and plan your day
Those activities which are urgent and important needs to figure in the
“To do list”. - Delegate
Focus on the most important tasks and activities and master the art of
delegation. Delegate some of the tasks and activities and free yourselves
up. Delegation can help save you time and also help empower others. - Automate
Whatever can be automated, do so. Make use of relevant software tools
and kits and apps to large extent to save time and enhance convenience. - Simplify
Make use of the capabilities of artificial intelligence to reduce the time
one spends on drafting, preparing for projects, preparing ppt, working on
MS Excel etc. - The One big thing
Identify the most important or challenging task of the day and that should
be the one that you attempt and accomplish as the first thing. Get one
major thing done in a day, that too in the morning. - Focus management
Master the art of providing undivided attention and focus on the tasks at
hand by practicing the following
a. Time boxing- It involves setting a specific amount of time to complete
a task or group of tasks.
b. Task batching- It involves organizing similar tasks into groups and
completing them all at once.
c. Day theming- It involves grouping similar tasks into a “theme” and
dedicating specific days to a specific type of work. - Learn to say “NO”
Learn to live as per your priorities and have control over your time.
Never allow others to take control over your time without your consent.
Hence never be an always “Yes” person. Be good at saying “NO” when
necessary. - Moving on after 5 minutes.
You start on a particular task or activity or job and you feel challenged or
you are remaining unfocused or unproductive or unenthusiastic even after
5 minutes, it is better to leave it there and move over to some other tasks
or jobs which fill you with enthusiasm. - Work from home/ near home
Minimize your commuting time. - Get out of perfectionism
Perfectionists spend a lot of time in making this perfect to their desire.
However, perfectionism involves doing and redoing and building things
to perfection, which may consume a huge chunk of time.