“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” So, let us have a look into what are the aspects on which we need to have aconsideration, so that we can create a better tomorrow in our business.
“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” So, let us have a look into what are the aspects on which we need to have aconsideration, so that we can create a better tomorrow in our business.
Here is a list of 12 aspects that entrepreneurs of modern day need to look into in order to navigatethrough the world which is volatile, disruptive, competitive, complex and uncertain.
Business Intelligence or BI is about analyzing an organization’s data and taking action based on theresults derived through analysis. Data driven decision making help organizations succeed, there byleading them to sustained growth. Hence organizations should gather data, sift through it, mine andanalyze it, gather insights and then embed those insights into their operations. Data mining […]
RAPPORT- THE GATEWAY TO RELATIONSHIPS If we want to win in relationship with others, we need to convince them that we are their sincerefriends. Winning relationships starts with communication. Rapport is the essence of a successfulcommunication. Rapport is the ability to enter someone else’s world and to make him feel that youunderstand him, and that […]
1.Stay point time of the sales professionals.The stay point time of the sales professionals refers to the time they investin touch basing with the prospect/customer/client. An analysis of the entiretime of the day or work schedule, let’s us clearly know whether the salesprofessionals have longer duration at their stay points or not. People insales may […]
The pricing strategy for goods or services is dependent on several factors likeindustrial growth, market conditions, demand, competition and customerpsychology. The pricing strategy being developed by a company for its product orservice may be for maximizing profit, penetrating the market, reducing inventoryetc. Let us examine some of the pricing strategies.
BUNDLING Bundling is a marketing strategy that enables companies to group products orservices together into a single combined unit. The single combined unit is set at alower price than if they were sold individually. This product or service bundling isalso known as price bundling. Bundling- Advantages to Customer. Bundling – Advantages to Seller/Company Types of bundling […]
We have a great feeling that quality management systems should be in place with respect to business units and organizations. The quality management systems are expected to improve these organizations on a continuous scale. Preserving documents, streamlining processes, gearing up activities for results, conducting audits, and managing for noncompliance are often buzzwords for execution in […]
The best way to make the world a better place is to give a helping hand of ours to others. It is all about having a mind-set to improve beyond ourselves. Helping others might be the key to happiness for many. The act of helping someone, expecting nothing in return, makes us all the […]