
Collaboration is a process by which two or more people or organizations work together towards achieving common goals by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus. The DNA to build and bond your team is collaboration. The collaborative environment in a team promotes communication, understanding, ideas, diversities, learning and purpose, all directing the team towards profits […]

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Breaking our safe zones

We are formed and conditioned by our thoughts, perceptions, habits and behaviour. Sometimes our (subconscious) mind falls into certain repetitive patterns and loops, that we become very much accustomed with the routine. Hence, we say that we are happy and good enough to do those activities which fall within our perceived limits or routines. These […]

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Return on Moments

We have heard about the term return on investment (ROI). This is a term which we use in association with even our personal finance, depicting the returns that we are garnering through the monetary investments. The investment is considered good or bad based on the percentage returns we derive through these investments. However, any average […]

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Planning and Preparations

Planning and Preparation works best for people who have goals. As said in an earlier chapter, we can have goals in the different realms of our life, like financial, health, professional, spiritual and developmental. In order to reach out to the SMART goals we have set in these different realms, we need to have an […]

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Choices and Decisions

Choices and decisions, are they the same? Or is there is a thin layer of separation between the meanings we attach to these words when it to comes to the perspective of application of these two words?  Well, let us see the meanings of these words in this way, so that it applies sense to […]

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Deep dive into creativity and innovation

Theory In simple way, creativity means the ability to come up with new ideas. Innovation is about utilising these created new ideas and developing them into something useful and practical. Hence, creativity and innovation go hand in hand. Remember, innovation never happens without creative people. When we think different, we come up with something different. […]

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Think Times and Problem Solving.

Even those people, who aspire to have a smooth sail through life, do not get the best of the smoothness in their life. This is because, a lot of situations in our life are beyond our control and often these situations throw a lot of challenges to us, even if we are not that pro […]

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Adaptability and Flexibility

Adaptability and flexibility are considered to be the critical skills required by individuals living in the present century. The demand for change is coming in a big way in the form of disruptions brought in by technology, competition and strategies. Moreover, the unexpected arrival of pandemic like COVID 19, necessitates a relook on the aspects […]

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Take advantage of assertive communication, as it helps win negotiations and resolve conflicts.

Most of our communication fall traps to the common aggressive and passive communication. Aggressive communication is usually explosive, threatening, self absorbed and attacking in nature. Passive communication is usually powerless and filled with denial, shame and low self esteem. Assertiveness refers to one’s ability to stand up with confidence for the rights of oneself and […]

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Responsibility Index

Creating a responsibility index makes you responsible and accountable, thereby enabling you to be responsive and needful not only for your-self, but also to your family members, friends and relatives and to the society at large. Responsibility comes after identifying your role in the family, at the workplace and in the society. As a member […]

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