Finding your sweet spot

Theory If your passion has met your profession, then you have identified the sweet spot of your life. The major chunk of your life time is expended doing work or at your profession. If you do not like your work or lack interest in your profession, then happiness will evade you. Then, the mere reason […]

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Running with optimism

Theory Optimism is a general disposition to expect the best in all things. Optimists have a positive outlook in life, believing that things will work out in the end. There are many benefits staying as an optimist. Optimists have high self esteem, they remain sans fears, develop a feeling that everything is going well and […]

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Sharpening your skills

Theory Skill means the ability to do something well or it signifies one’s expertise in doing some job or task. There are a plethora of skills which if acquired can lead you to the stream of success. There are various skills which are required for one’s job role to perform well and ensure one’s career […]

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How to Strengthen Your Will power

Theory Will power is the ability to resist short term temptations, delay gratifications, override unwanted emotions or feelings and overcome obstacles to reach out to the set goals. Will power has a positive correlation with positive life outcomes like better grades, greater financial security, better mental and physical health. The downfall of will power in […]

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Getting lost for a while

Theory Getting lost means getting away from the toughness of work, getting relief from the fetters of project and target deadlines, moving away from the business of office, from the distractions of city life, from the mess of commuting, from the chores of your house and from the dizziness of your mind.  When you are […]

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Retire from work, everyday.

Theory People retire from work once in a life to relax. This is the common perception. However, you need to retire from your work every evening and get back to it with more energy and enthusiasm the next morning. Think as if you have got to retire from work every evening, then you will feel […]

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Disruptive Technology

The term disruption is the new normal in the business environment and these disruptions are technology driven. Key players are washed away when technological disruptions create new markets and business. In this blog, let us have a look at certain technology buzz words which disrupts the business patterns. Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is an […]

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Business Intelligence refers to the process of gathering, analyzing and reporting information to make better decisions for organizational growth. Business intelligence is all about the BIDM cycle. The BIDM cycle speaks about the DATA available, the process of MININING that data, creating sense or INTELLIGENCE out of the data and using that intelligence to make […]

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Mastering yourself

Let us not allow our mind to take us where ever it wants, however, let us take charge of the mind and be the master of the mind.  For attaining success, we need to master our mind. We are going ahead to install better habits in our life. Well, here are some techniques to master […]

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