BUNDLING Bundling is a marketing strategy that enables companies to group  products orservices together into a single combined unit. The single combined unit is set at alower price than if they were sold individually. This product or service bundling isalso known as price bundling. Bundling- Advantages to Customer. Bundling – Advantages to Seller/Company Types of bundling […]

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Quality management in Life

We have a great feeling that quality management systems should be in place with respect to business units and organizations. The quality management systems are expected to improve these organizations on a continuous scale. Preserving documents, streamlining processes, gearing up activities for results, conducting audits, and managing for noncompliance are often buzzwords for execution in […]

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Building up your support system

         Support system refers to the group of people to whom we go and ask for assistance to sort out our problems. The people in our support system, not only support us, but also shower their care and respect for us. They are people who have concern for us and have our best interest in […]

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Removing the clutters

           Clutter refers to the excess, the disordered and the distractions. They refer to the worthless or valueless things in our room, home, surroundings and within us, in our mind.  The clutters refer to the stuff that we own which drains and derails us and gives us those negative vibes. Well let us try and […]

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Becoming an expert

        Carve out your niche. Be an expert in your domain. Expertise means having more knowledge and skill sets in the domain. People trust experts on account of their wide knowledge, learning, experience and professionalism.  Experts are considered the best in the domain and people look forward to availing there services. Media turn towards them […]

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Networking to Fortune

Any person you meet has got some quality better than you, and there is something to learn from each and everyone you meet, if you are willing to. Networking is about establishing and nurturing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with the people you meet. Investing in networking and building relationships, both personal and professional will help […]

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The rewards of hard work

 The rewards of hard work refer to the benefits of working very hard. People who work hard almost always derive the following benefits. They have a competitive edge over others at workplace. They stand charismatic and commands respect. Since, they are having determination and perseverance, most often they are successful. They turn to be people […]

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The extra mile at work

When an employee does more than what is being asked to do, he is said to have walked the extra mile. It is now being considered as an HR parameter and considered as a positive sign, signifying that he is an engaged employee. The can do and will do attitude exhibited these employees can become […]

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Respecting diversity

Diversity refers to the diversity in gender, race, ethnicity, age, education, language, religion, culture, background and so on. This diversity can be felt by us when we go for work in our work places, especially in MNCs. However, the same diversity is also about appreciating differences between individuals, and in context with the workplace ensuring […]

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Breaking our safe zones

We are formed and conditioned by our thoughts, perceptions, habits and behaviour. Sometimes our (subconscious) mind falls into certain repetitive patterns and loops, that we become very much accustomed with the routine. Hence, we say that we are happy and good enough to do those activities which fall within our perceived limits or routines. These […]

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