Procrastination means putting off things for another time. Procrastination, is it good, bad or ugly? Is procrastination a big enemy of effective time management? Well, procrastination is good if it is creative procrastination. Procrastination is bad, if one does so because of indecisiveness. On the other hand, procrastination is really ugly if it is one’s […]

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Managing Personal Finance

  “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin Our knowledge about how to get along with our finances and manage it is a major ingredient which propels our life in the direction we want. This write up on managing personal finance is about adding a few magical points to your pocket […]

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  “Non verbal Communication is also a part of communication that can boost your confidence” Body language or non verbal communication fills the gap between the words you speak and how best it is understood by others. By developing an awareness of body language, effective communication and ease to understand is attained. While delivering a […]

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Remind These 12 tips to boost your personality

What is Personality Development? An individual’s personality refers to his/ her appearance, characteristics, attitude, mindset and behavior with others. Personality development is an enduring process of fostering, shaping and enhancing individual’s skills, knowledge and interests to ascertain their maximum efficacy and compliance. The aim of personality development programme is to groom the individuals to build […]

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How can you improve your presentation skills?
presentation skill developemt

1. Prepare your content and structure it properly. Identify the topic, for whom it is intended, why it is intended and how it should be presented. Identify from where you can muster the contents for the presentation. Structure your contents in a proper manner having an introduction, the sections and finally the summary and conclusion. […]

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