Mind mastery is all about being a master of your mind. The mediocre people are slaves of their minds, whereas, people who have scripted success stories are masters of their mind. Well, mind mastery involves conditioning your mind and installing it with worthy attributes, and in turn your mind will feed you with all the […]

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 Intuition is considered as a quick insight or knowing, without the use of rational thought. Some people call it as the sixth sense or the hind sight. Intuition probably would be the information from the deep levels of our minds. Intuition breaks free from the limits of the conscious mind, and provides great information. Intuition […]

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Challenging the VUCA world through leadership

The world has turned to be VUCA and all human beings are affected by VUCA. Well, VUCA stands for V- Volatility, U-Uncertainty, C- Complexity, and A- Ambiguity. Let us explore the VUCA challenges Volatility (Rate of change) – It refers to the pace, magnitude and nature of change. The changes may not follow previous patterns […]

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Blue ocean strategy is probably a peep into how you can break your competitor’s resistance, without fighting it out. The strategy is to come up with an innovation by saving on the costs and lifting up the buyer’s value. However, the cost savings and low margins may be off- set by large volumes of sales […]

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We negotiate in our everyday life. And for us negotiation would be about getting what you want from another person. It is true, that everyone involved in negotiation would try and gain an advantage for themselves at the end. However, as we move towards the corporate world of integrative negotiation, we can say negotiation is […]

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The human resource management challenges (HR Challenges) keeps on increasing as the business world turns out to be more competitive and complex. However, if these HR challenges go un-addressed, the organizations may soon slip into deep failures. Hence, the need to address the HR challenges should be one amongst the top priorities of the management. […]

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Develop a love for listening.

We are good at our oratory skills, we consider ourselves as better off communicators, faring well in expressing our feeling, emotions, thoughts and ideas. We have been given enough and more opportunities in and out of stage to sharpen our skills in speaking, to enhance our body language and ameliorate our presentations whether at school, […]

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 Building positivity like a proton and living with positivity gets you the extra mile of enthusiasm and energy to perform really well at your endeavors and have great accomplishments. It is said that it is your stream of thoughts, that creates the flow of emotions which in turn makes your either happy or pull you […]

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 The bigness in the little

 The bigness in the little is a quest for happiness. What is happiness? There is a quote which says that happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute in love, grace and gratitude. But, most of us attach other meanings to happiness. Probably, the titles we assume, the money we earn, the material possessions […]

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  Success in sales is a convincing ability. Here we provide answers to a dozen questions related to sales. These great tips on sales will drive your sales faster. Why does anyone buy anything? For gaining something. For deriving happiness. For fear of losing something. To avoid pain and regret To be popular and sometimes […]

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