“The training that fortifies you to stay ahead and respond to challenges posed by the VUCA world”.

The term VUCA originated from the US army war college to describe the conditions resulting from the cold war. However, the term has since been adopted through out to describe the challenging conditions that businesses go through.

The VUCA represents a world or environment with

V- Volatility- Increasing rate of change or high pace of change.

U- Uncertainty- Less clarity about future

C- Complexity- Multiplicity of decision making factors

A-Ambiguity- More than one interpretation.

The VUCA phenomenon has seen the downfall of various big companies like Lehman Brothers, Kodak, Motorola and Nokia and even Indian companies like Kingfisher and SKS Microfinance. This does not mean that VUCA phenomenon  is bad for business and leaders. However, there are certain leaders and companies who have seen through the VUCA fog, and observed a world of opportunities and went ahead with their burning desire through the VUCA environment to create Apple, Amazon, Airbnb, Uber and Alibaba.

The leaders who are able to chisel their vision through the fog, understand the characteristics of the environment amidst the traces of uncertainty, create clarity or make sense out of the chaos and exhibit agility for a collaborative approach to strategic changes are the ones who turn this opportunity their way.

Challenge the VUCA world by,

  • Understanding the chaotic, turbulent and rapidly changing environment
  • Shedding the fear of unknown and challenging the status quo
  • Reflecting and learning from the past experience.
  • Responding with sense and logic rather than being reactive.
  • Remaining calm and concentrated during chaos.
  • Be a strategic thinker.


Why should an organization have leaders who can challenge the VUCA?

  • It is not competitors but technological disruptions which can run down organizations
  • Organizations need to either disrupt through innovation or should be an innovation follower.
  • Organization needs long term and short term vision to be communicated to the employees.
  • Organizations need to learn from the past and get them oriented towards future.
  • Organizations need agile structure, process and people.
  • Organizations need strategies, quick decisions and speedy executions.


Our training programme fortifies you with leadership qualities to stay ahead and respond to challenges posed by the VUCA world.