Collaboration is a process by which two or more people or organizations work together towards achieving common goals by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus.

The DNA to build and bond your team is collaboration. The collaborative environment in a team promotes communication, understanding, ideas, diversities, learning and purpose, all directing the team towards profits and prosperity. Collaboration is a mind-set which is largely expected to occupy a greater space in the mind of every member in a team. It is an inside out approach. Collaboration begins with the synergy philosophy that none of us is smarter than all of us.
Here are some strategies to establish collaboration in your team.

- Believe that every member of your team has potential to contribute.
- Try and bring out the diversified perspectives, opinions and ideas from other members.
- Conduct brain storming sessions, separating the person from the issue. Have constructive conflicts.
- Create an environment where your team members feel safe and secure and encourage them to speak freely and friendly.
- Involve your team members in setting goals, values and strategies for the team project and make them feel ownership for the same.
- Encourage open and honest communication between team members. Tell your members and listen to your members, because telling is sharing and listening is caring.
- Network greatly with your team members and stay together on purpose.
- Build a mutually supportive system within a team.
One windy March day the Mayor of the town decided to take a stroll across the park. He ran into a small boy who was flying the biggest and most beautiful kite he had ever seen.
It soared high and gently across the sky that the mayor was sure it could be seen in the next city. This little town didn’t have very many things that were spectacular, so the Mayor decided to award a “key to the city” to the one responsible for such a beautiful thing.
“Who is responsible for flying this kite?” the Mayor asked.
“I am,” said the little boy holding with all his might to the beautiful big kite. He said, “I made this huge kite myself, with my own hands. I painted all of the colourful pictures on it, and I fly it!”
“I am,” said the wind. “It is my breeze that keeps it in the air flying so big and beautiful. Unless I blow on it, it will not fly at all. I fly it!”
“Not so,” claimed the kite’s tail. “I make it sail and give it stability against the wind’s blowing gusts. Without me the kite would spin out of control and not even the boy could save it from crashing to the earth. I fly the kite!”
So, who flies the kite?
They all do, don’t they?
In the day-to-day hustle and bustle of work it easy to forget that everyone flies the kite. Without the team, the leader would never be successful. Without a good leader the team would fail. Both need each other. And each person on the team needs one another as well. They all fly it!
Write down three areas or teams wherein you have collaborated to win.
“In Africa there is a concept known as Ubuntu – the profound sense that we are human only through the humanity of others; that if we are to accomplish anything in this world it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievements of others.” — Nelson Mandela
- Collaboration is a process by which two or more people or organizations work together towards achieving common goals by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus.
- Collaboration is a mind-set which is largely expected to occupy a greater space in the mind of every member in a team.