1. The sales and marketing efforts create customers. Hence hire sales
    professionals with a pleasant and positive attitude. Hire for attitude and
    train them for aptitude. We need a good team of sales and marketing
    professionals to create customers.
  1. If we are having huge number of enquiries/leads, we should focus on
    eliminating the suspects and if we are having less number of
    enquiries/leads, we should focus on extracting the prospects. An equipped
    or trained task force in this discipline can make the elimination/ filtration
  2. See your prospects as partners for a Win- Win. Hence care for your
    prospects, consider them important and ensure that they are feeling SAFE.
    S- Secure, A- Accepted, F-Free from Fear and E- Enthusiastic.
  3. Our prospects or customers hate to see the changing faces/personnel.
    Customers develop friendships, relationships and get to know sales
    professionals on whom they can depend. Customers/prospects tend to
    move away from organizations where the roster of sales professionals is
    ever changing.
  4. Make the customers feel that they are really important. Make them feel
    special. Customers go where they feel invited and return where they feel
    appreciated. Reward and recognize your customer as per the demands of
    the situation.
  5. Know that the best customers are the ones that you already have. Hence,
    we should not allow customer attrition. Think about the customer life time
    value and get back to customers and be with them even after their
    repeated sales. One customer doing repeated sales at several points of
    time is far better than getting a new customer.
  6. Don’t be pushy with prospects, because they may tend to hate people who
    try to sell. Prospects look out for professionals who can help them fix their
    problems, give them solutions and understand their wants, needs and
    desires. Understand that sale is about helping people.
  7. Each and every customer is different in his own or her own way in terms of
    interests, passion, hobbies, needs, wants, desires or aspirations. The buying
    decisions are based on a plethora of other factors like possibility,
    differences, uniqueness, purpose, value for money, brand perception etc.
    Hence, we need to customize to the core to win customers. The trend of
    customers demanding customization is on the high. Hence the mantra for
    winning customers could also be customizing to the core.
  8. Research your competitors and find out their approach towards prospects
    and customers. Develop a strategy and approach towards prospects that
    offers you competitive advantage. Execute those strategies and win
  9. When connecting with a lead or prospect give them a trail to follow. It
    could be in terms of address book, desktop calendar, logo, cards, brochure
    etc. Leave something for them to get back to you, so that when they get
    back, you can ensure closures.
  10. The elevator pitch or speech is something that needs to be scripted and
    mastered. Learn to tell people in 60 seconds as to why people should buy
    from you. An excellent elevator pitch could just be sufficient for leads to
    pop up and trickle conversion.
  11. Do not forget the value of net promoter score or NPS, which depicts on a
    scale of 1- 10, 1 being the least and 10 being the highest, the level to which
    your customer will recommend the services to his friends and relatives.
    With customers giving an NPS of 9 and beyond, we can expect referrals
    which once again can be considered for creating more customers.

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