If we want to win in relationship with others, we need to convince them that we are their sincere
friends. Winning relationships starts with communication. Rapport is the essence of a successful
communication. Rapport is the ability to enter someone else’s world and to make him feel that you
understand him, and that you have a strong common bond. It is the step towards building
relationship of responsiveness. Here we are going to discuss about ways to build rapport.
- Matching and Mirroring.
When people are like each other, then they tend to like each other. The strategy to be
like each other is what we call as matching and mirroring. At the subconscious level itself,
there is a natural tendency for us to match and mirror with other humans.
When we smile at someone, there is a natural tendency for him to smile back.
When we say good morning to someone, it is natural to get back a good morning.
When we extend our hand to someone, he is ready for a handshake.
So if we intent to create rapport we can
a. Match- Exhibit the same gestures/body language of the other person at times.
When he leans forward, you also lean forward.
When he raises his right hand, you also raise your right hand.
When he frequently utters a word, we can also utter the same word to him.
b. Mirror- Exhibit the same gestures/ body language but as reflection from mirror.
A person raises his left eye brow and you raise your right eye brow.
A person slightly moves his right leg forward and you move your left leg in a similar
- Small talks
It is a trivial talk on a topic of non-importance. It could be about the weather, the
traffic or any current and simple aspects. Small talks fill up the silence and make people
comfortable. To succeed in small talks, remember this.
Avoid controversial and complex topics.
Discuss topics where people have got something to share.
The conversation should be brief.
The discussion should reflect positive emotions.
Find places and points of agreements
Conclude that there are common things amongst us. It is the commonalities
that bring people together.