Clutter refers to the excess, the disordered and the distractions. They refer to the worthless or valueless things in our room, home, surroundings and within us, in our mind. The clutters refer to the stuff that we own which drains and derails us and gives us those negative vibes.
Well let us try and find out the effects of clutter in our life.
- Too much of stuff in the room and within our mind, makes it difficult for the brain to process information, resulting in we losing our focus and falling into the traps of distraction. Clutters compete with our attention and wears down our ability to focus.
- Clutters do overload our senses, leading to overwhelming and stress.
- Clutters cut through our pocket as these stuffs are bought at a cost.
- Clutters drain our time as we set out to search for things from the mess.
- Messy environment increases procrastination, delays work and decreases our productivity.
- Clutters consume a lot of space at home, office and in our mind.
- Clutters derail our focus, resulting in our energy get expended in small and trivial matters.
- Clutters invite your unnecessary care and attention and you are left with no time for enjoying your relationships and friends and family.
- Clutters take away peace, progress and prosperity as we lose out on our mindfulness, focus and quality time.
- Clutters reflect our disorganized nature and pulls down our will to plan and prepare.

Hence, let us remove these clutters or de clutter and break away to a world of time, space, energy and freedom. For that let us come up with the 5S methodology.5S stands for the 5 steps of this methodology: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. These steps involve going through everything in a space, deciding what’s necessary and what isn’t, putting things in order, cleaning, and setting up procedures for performing these tasks on a regular basis.
- Sort- Find out what is needed and what is not needed.
- Set in order- Find a place for everything and ensure that everything is in its place.
- Shine- Keeping it clean and tidy through regular cleaning.
- Standardise- Setting a new normal or new rules in practice with respect to sorting, setting and regular cleaning.
- Sustain- Continuing and abiding by the new standards set up.
A Netherlands-based architecture firm is proposing a habitable, floating recycled island built from plastics caught in the Pacific trash vortex—an accumulation of debris currently estimated to be the size of Texas. Much of the trash has been broken down to microscopic size by photo degradation, while larger material regularly ensnares about 100,000 marine animals a year. The designers believe their massive habitat could not only help clean the ocean but house some of the estimated 200 million “climate refugees” who may be displaced by changing weather patterns in the coming decades.
Brief about your mission ‘’ De clutter- slowly and steadily”
“The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the more you are free“.~ Mother Teresa
- Clutter refers to the excess, the disordered and the distractions. They refer to the worthless or valueless things in our room, home, surroundings and within us, in our mind.
- Implement the 5S methodology for de cluttering and organising.