“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
So, let us have a look into what are the aspects on which we need to have a
consideration, so that we can create a better tomorrow in our business.
- Technology – Business should leverage on technology, systems and tools
to automate and bring aspects to the autopilot mode to the very best. Use
apps and software which are integrated with AI to have an efficient
workflow and an effective customer journey. - Sustainability– The ability to be responsive to the environment and to
bring out efforts to the very best in not only reducing the impact the
business has on the environment but also to bring in systems to respect
and prosper the environment. - Value– The business as a brand should be able to showcase its core
identity to the market and its potential customers. People will rely on
promise, assurance and trust. - Competition– Unless the business innovates, differentiates, position and
target, it will not be able to have an edge over the competitors - Uncertainty – Should be ready for disruption or should be ready to
disrupt. Have short term goals and strategy. Business should also have
some capability to predict the future in their business. - Market- Know your market, customers and potential customers. Know
the demography and its changes, changes in needs and wants, changing
psychology and attitude and the channels of purchase and experience
they aspire.