These quotients are certain indicators about the orientation of our life. Improving these quotients will definitely have a swing of success in favor of our life.
- Intelligence quotient- IQ
It’s a measure of the ability of a person to reason and solve problems.
- Emotional Quotient- EQ
It refers to one’s capacity to assess his emotions as well as the other person’s emotions and manage one’s own emotions for improving communication and relationship with the other.
- Creative Quotient- CQ
It refers to one’s capability to be creative and innovative and also disrupt the status quo.
- Adversity Quotient- AQ
It refers to one’s ability to respond to challenges and changes.
- Spiritual Quotient- SQ
It refers to one’s ability to behave with wisdom and compassion, while maintaining inner and outer peace, regardless of the situation.
- Physical Intelligence Quotient- PQ
It refers to one’s capacity to identify and respond to one’s own physical self in situations like pain, hunger, frustration, fatigue etc.
- Knowledge Quotient – KQ
It refers to one’s store house of knowledge or learning or subject matter expertise.
- Daring Intelligence Quotient- DQ
It refers to one’s ability to take risk, show courage and endure.
- Financial Quotient- FQ
It refers to one’s ability in ensuring the savings, planning the investments and managing the finance as a whole.
- Reputation Quotient- RQ
It refers to one as a brand. It signifies how much one is considerable, reliable, and trustworthy. It determines how good one is through the eyes of others.