Conflict Management

’A Training which Makes You a Master to Manage and Resolve Conflicts”

Conflict is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively effect, something that the first party cares about. Conflict inherently involves some sense of struggle or incompatibility or perceived difference between values, goals or desires. So long as people are individuals there will be the potential for conflict. It isn’t wrong or bad. Since you can’t prevent conflict, the most important thing is to learn how to handle or manage it in productive ways. Conflict management should be seen as an opportunityto improve situations and strengthen relations.

soft skill-conflict management

Conflicts can be of different types like Organisational Conflict, Group Conflict and Individual Conflict. The sources of organisational conflict could be interdependence, employment relationship, limited resources and differentiation. Conflicts can have positive as well as negative impact on the organisation. The negative impacts are a cause of concern for many organisations. Conflicts within an organisation can result in lower productivity, greater stress, inefficient communication channels, ineffective decision making, poor cooperation and low morale. There are mainly five different styles of dealing with conflict that vary in their degrees of cooperativeness and assertiveness. Different styles are useful in different situations. The styles are competitive, collaborative, compromising, accommodating and avoiding.

Conflict Management training focuses on developing capabilities for toxic handling and conflict management. This in-depth training provides effective methodologies to stay informed and deal confidently with disagreements, confrontations, anxiety and anger, before they get out of hand. The purpose of this training is to gather information and acknowledge causes of workplace conflict, the way to facilitate resolution of conflict and the way to manage the work relationships once the conflict has been determined.

Better yourself in conflict management by,

  • Gaining grounds on the philosophy and types of conflict
  • Learning the stages of conflict.
  • Identifying the conflict resolution roles.
  • Perceiving the style for dealing with conflict
  • Developing Strategies for handling conflict.
  • Rolling out the conflict resolution process.
  • Determining the conflict outcome for the organisation.

Find out if you are really good enough to manage conflicts

  •  Are you more emotional and less logical?
  • Are you able to withstand openness and criticisms?
  • Do you feel safe and secure to speak in a meeting?
  • Are you more assertive and less cooperative?
  • Do you value relationships more than purpose and results?
  • Do you believe in compromise?

Our training programme on conflict management lets you manage conflicts within teams and organisations through the strategy of collaboration.
