Choices and Decisions

Choices and decisions, are they the same? Or is there is a thin layer of separation between the meanings we attach to these words when it to comes to the perspective of application of these two words?  Well, let us see the meanings of these words in this way, so that it applies sense to our discussion.

Choice -The option of selecting from the alternatives.

Decision –Making up one’s mind to act on any choice, need or problem.

The choices we make and the decisions we take gets us the results                (consequences). The consequences we derive may be the ones we desire or not desire. In order to obtain a desirable consequence or a likeable result, we definitely have to make the right choice and correct decisions.

 Right choices + Correct decisions = Successful life.

People make use of different combinations of choices and decisions to script a life forward.

Smart choices + quick decisions

Tough choices + hard decisions

Narrow choices + Critical decisions

And so on

However, if we learn to choose and take a committed decision our life changes.


A kid walked into a candy store with his dad and was bedazzled by the array of treats on offer.

“What should I choose?  What should I choose?  What should I choose?”  He asked himself.

“Come on son, we don’t have all day,” his dad said.

“These are my favourites.  No wait, these are my favourites.”

He walked along the aisles, picking up bags and putting them back.

He just couldn’t make up his mind.

“Quick son, make up your mind, we have to go,” His impatient dad said.

Frantically, the boy ran around the store, his eyes moving from one shelf to another, but all of the options looked so good and he couldn’t make a decision.

Eventually, the dad had enough, grabbed his son by the hand and they walked out of the store empty-handed.  The young boy had tears in his eyes.  He wanted them all, but ended up with nothing because he couldn’t choose just one.

We’re that entire boy.

The world is that candy store.

We have a myriad of options available to us, but if we don’t make a decision about our career, education, relationships, investments, church or other important issues, we end up empty-handed.

Sometimes we worry about making the wrong choice.

What if we regret the direction that we take and it’s too late to go back?

The bigger danger is that we make no decision at all and end up going nowhere and doing nothing.


Write down few decisions you have made which has been game changers in your life.



Choices are the hinges of destiny.” —Edwin Markham


  1. Right choices + Correct decisions = Successful life.
  2. If we learn to choose and take a committed decision our life changes.

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