Retire from work, everyday.


People retire from work once in a life to relax. This is the common perception. However, you need to retire from your work every evening and get back to it with more energy and enthusiasm the next morning. Think as if you have got to retire from work every evening, then you will feel that your home is a better place for affection, togetherness and relaxation. Remember, every evening of yours is in your retirement home. Do not carry your work to home and home to work.

Disconnect from the unworthy. Say for example most of the people have a craze for technology and are always on line. You need get yourself unplugged from these technologies, media and social networks, for a good portion of your time, as the after work time is the time to get connected with your family members.

Your physical disengagement from the work does not mean you are out of office. Having think times about office while at home and family, is not a healthy work- life balance. To remove the mess in the mind, you need to practice mindfulness through yoga or meditation.

Take a slice of time out, for your passion or hobby and call it your private time. These private times fills the cup of your mind with ounces of happiness.

Remember to retire from work every day.


There is the story of a young software professional who was timed to submit is project the next week.

One evening, the father of the software professional was noticing the frustration at his son’s face. He realized that something at office would be keeping him worried.

 He went up to the young man and tapped him on his shoulder.

“What’s the problem?” he inquired.

“I don’t know”, said the youth, with a strained expression.

“I am really worried about the project. I do not know whether it would be good enough”.

“You must understand to relax and know what harmony is. Come with me, I will explain”, replied the father.

The father and the son left the building and walked some distance into the woods until they came upon a stream. The father stood silently on the bank for several moments. Then he spoke.

“Look at the stream,” he said. “There are rocks in its way. Does it slam into them out of frustration? It simply flows over and around them and moves on! Be like the water and you will know what harmony is. Relax your mind and flow like the stream, instead of getting worried over obstacles like rocks or projects”


1. Identify three activities for your evenings, which make you relaxed.



“Sometimes, the most productive thing, you can do is to relax.” – Mark Black

Take Away

1.  Think as if you have got to retire from work every evening, then you will feel that your home is a better place for affection, togetherness and relaxation.

2.  To make your evenings relaxing, connect with your family, pursue your hobbies or practice mindfulness.

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