Business Intelligence refers to the process of gathering, analyzing and reporting information to make better decisions for organizational growth. Business intelligence is all about the BIDM cycle. The BIDM cycle speaks about the DATA available, the process of MININING that data, creating sense or INTELLIGENCE out of the data and using that intelligence to make better decisions to grow BUSINESS.

Data is an important resource. What we need to find and recognize is the hidden value of the data. In order to find out the hidden value of data, we should try and understand the data processing chain. The chain starts with

  1. DATA-Anything that is recorded is data. It could be numbers, alphanumeric such as names, facts, opinions, observations, reports or records. The data could be ordered or unordered or discrete. It refers to anything that is observed and stored.   
  2. DATA BASE- It is a modeled collection of data which is accessible in many ways. The different types of relationships can be modeled in a database. Database management systems are available to help store and manage data.
  3. DATA WAREHOUSE– It is an organized store of data from all over the organization.
  4. DATA MINING– It is the art and science of discovering the useful innovative patterns from data.
  5. DATA VISUALISATION– Presenting the conclusions in an organized manner with visuals and graphics.

Hence, these insights from data can be used for taking better decisions. The facts and insights derived through the data processing chain helps organizations to calculate risk and make better strategic and operational decisions.

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